Wednesday, January 19, 2005

It snowed a lot today. And it's supposed to snow again tomorrow. Wait, who was it that told me there was no way it would snow? Was it you?

Alas, my mind is blank. I feel like I need to post, to say something, to make myself heard.

But no words come, no ideas flow.

Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said "Writing is easy. Just sit down at a typewriter and open a vein," or something like that?

Don't worry, or get your hopes up, I know he was speaking figuratively.

Hmmm, that seems like humor there. I think.

Let's try this again:

Well, this day was much less work than yesterday. I figured out what I'm going to try to accomplish tomorrow, and it was a good day, and I've almost recuperated from yesterday.

There were protestors waiting for us when we got home, they were protesting the Black tie and Boots ball/party/whatever going on at the hotel across the street.

They took off before it got late, so "Code Pink" is ok in my book, for now.


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