Sunday, January 16, 2005

I never thought it possible...

Hey guys, Logan here. I'm certain you've all heard how in some cities there's a Starbucks on every corner or block. Usually such statements are made as a joke, because the human mind has trouble believing that any business could be so prevalent and/or popular.

Well, in Washington, D.C., it isn't a joke. It isn't an exaggeration. It's reality, there is a Starbucks on every block in this city. I'm not kidding, this place is infected with them.

This doesn't mean that Starbucks is the only place to go for a cup a' joe, my friends, oh no, hell no. There's plenty of smaller chains, single stores and "local flavors" here too, filling in all the storefronts that Starbucks didn't want.

But still, Starbucks is the Alpha Brewer in this town, often making me wonder:

"Where's an angry, violent, anti-globalization mob when you need it?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want I can come visit you and we can have a two-man protest. IF you really want something to protest, protest the sorry lives of the Costa Ricans who provide us with so much of our bean. They live miserable lives so we can have joe!

Now that's something to protest.

Heart, Jocelyn

3:57 PM  
Blogger Logan C. Adams said...

Good point Jocelyn

12:46 AM  

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