Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Desiring an older writing implement...

I want a typewriter. That's right. I, Logan C. Adams, 21st century journalist, a man raised to work with computers since childhood, want to have a typewriter.

And not just any old typewriter. I want a fully-mechanical, typebar-equipped machine that I may take with me to places without electricity and type whatever I desire. I want to be able to hear the tick of every keystroke and I want to hit the lever at the end of each line.

I want to go back to the roots of modern american journalism, where you couldn't just trade paragraphs with a few keystrokes. I want to train myself to be more accurate with my typing and not have to correct so darned many mistakes.

I want a piece of metal I can enjoy. Anyone know where I can get one that works well, not to mention one for which inkrolls are still being made?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I think of two things. First, one of my favorite movies of all time, Laura. I absolutely love this movie. It was made in the mid-40s and stars Gene Tierney. In the movie, Waldo Lydecker dits in the tub and has this board across it... there's a typewriter sitting on it. Random, I know. The other thing I think of is typing up scholarship applications in Mr. Bowen's office for hours and hours.

Wow, this was a long comment. But I sersiously recommend watching Laura.


3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, are you CRAZY! MHouse

5:52 PM  

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