Saturday, October 29, 2005


Hollywood and television tell us that hangovers hit a moment after waking up the morning after a night of drinking. This is not how I experienced it.

My hangover hit me at 5:20 this morning while I was sleeping off a prodigous amount of alcohol from the night before, waking me up to the worst headache I've ever had in my life.

You see, I went to a party last night, thrown by LeAnne Sulzen, fellow Collegian Staffer (Journalists and alcohol have always, ALWAYS mixed), with every intention of getting drunk. And I mean drunk to the point that I had to hold on to things to keep standing. Things have been increasingly stressful with my business lately and I really wanted to blow off some steam and do something stupid.

I admit it. I wanted to get sh*t-housed-drunk. And I did.

By the way, many thanks to Jonas Hogg for giving me a ride home after Safe Ride passed me and drove off while I chased after them, stumbling quite a bit.

Here's what I do know about last night:
  • I don't remember how much I drank. Estimates range from 10-15 beverages, but I honestly have no idea how much I had.
  • There was a lot of laughter around me. Whether it was with me, or at me, I do not know.
  • I completely destroyed my costume. I wore a shirt and pants that had a bunch of cuts and slices in them along with some fake blood (see pic of face below) and went as the victim of an attack by the neighbor's dog. By the end of the night, the tears had spread so far that my pants turned into a hula skirt and everyone knew the color of my boxer shorts.
  • I remember kissing this girl on her cheek and hugging her a bunch, but I was just trying to be friendly. She put up with it and didn't mind it too much, I think. OK, fine, I don't really know.
  • That girl called her friend Kirby, who is friends with my little brother Drew, to come over so he could see me completely smashed out of my mind. He laughed at me a lot.
  • I think I said a bunch of innappropriate things to several members of the opposite sex at the party, many of whom work with me. Some were even my bosses. Once again, I'm not really sure what happened.
  • When I finally layed down in bed at around 1:30 that morning, it felt like the whole damned thing was spinning sideways, taking me with it.
  • I didn't throw up. Well, at least, I never found any evidence that suggests I did throw up.
  • 4 hours later, I woke up thanks to the aforementioned hangover. I went back to sleep after taking some ibuprofen that did the trick.
  • 4 more hours later I awoke, feeling disturbingly refreshed and ready to greet the day. I cleaned up, got a ride to my car, and processed a bunch of photo orders.
That's all I really know. I'm certain the rest of the details will be told back to me when I go back to the newsroom again.


Blogger Mela said...

Logan, Logan, Logan. And we all wondered why you weren't in class today...XD Did you enjoy yourself? You accomplished your objective so I would assume the evening wasn't a total loss. If I'd not had to drive after Sara's reception, there's a strong possibility I'd have gotten slightly smashed. And as Scott said...Let that be a lesson. <3

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