Thursday, January 27, 2005

Some Early Morning Blogging

Something I forgot to ask in my previous post:

Is there something wrong with a sandwich made with corned beef, provolone cheese, and saurkraut on white bread?

You see, there's the restaurant on our block that makes good sandiches called the "California Grill." I went there for lunch yesterday and ordered their corned beef sandwich, and they tossed a nice amount of the wonderful meat on the grill for me. They took my bread and asked me if I wanted lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on my sandwich.

Well, they didn't really ask. It was in the form of a question, but it was really just them telling me they were going to slather it with mayo and dump lettuce and tomato on it if I didn't speak up quick.

I spoke up because I don't like lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on my corned beef sandwich. I like saurkraut with provolone or swiss. I asked for saurkraut, if they had it, and the cook's eyes damn near popped out of her head in shock.

Now, corned beef and saurkraut is a combination I learned from my mother and have cooked myself several times. They belong together, they just do. Try it, you'll like it too.

She turned and disappeared into the bowels of the kitchen and returned just in time to flip the corned beef. She put my cheese on it, and tossed some saurkraut on the grill next to it, stirred it for a bit with her spatula, and tossed it onto the melted heap.

All the while she called other cooks over to see this strange concoction, and they were aghast at my order too. Apperently corned beef and saurkraut is a combination none of them had ever seen in their entire lives.

Despite their reservations, I will say it was the best corned beef sandwich I ever tasted in my entire life. I'll have to get it again sometime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to make the minds wonder and heads turn! :)

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D.C. people are SO uneducated... well, in a good sandwich, anyways. :P The best way (and only way, if you ask me) to make it is w/ kraut and cheese. White american or provolne, to be exact. :) Hope everything is going great.
Love, Katie

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate that stuff. My Dad always gets it at the Sausage Supper in Paxico but, I can never stand it.

P.S.: Finally commented.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, if you put that on rye you have what's called a rueben, am I right? Except I think some places put 1000 island dressing on there too. Yuck.

Anyway, I think the technical term is rueben, and I think technically I am now craving one.


Oh, and, the Ca. Grill has frozen pizzas in the World-Domination Mart (aka Wally Word) and they are super-expensive.

Thought I'd share.
Heart, Jocelyn

5:21 PM  

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