Friday, January 12, 2007

Finding a pace

I've been at it a few days now, and I certainly don't regret it either, but boy being Metro Editor is a challenge.

I was afraid I'd get a little rusty taking last semester to be Public editor, and I am a bit rusty now. This job is a good thing, though, it'll have me sharpened up again just in time to join the professional world.

I had another one of my mini-epiphanies tonight: no decision takes longer than a second, or, at least in my experience they don't. The part that takes forever is working up the nerve to carry the decision out. This was the case a week ago tonight when the editor in chief asked me to be Metro editor. She'd asked me before, and I'd said no because I'd planned on doing photojournalism this semester. This time though, it was different. Everyone else had said no as well, and if i didn't do it, no one would.

I managed a "no" for the moment and left, arguing with myself. I knew I'd be taking the job, I wanted it and the staff needed me. The problem was working up the nerve to say I'd do it, and then do the job. It took me a day or so.

Maybe next time I'll just say yes the first chance I get and save myself the trouble.

Anyway, I'm building up momentum in the job, keeping more stories coming in each day. I'll be up to full speed in no time.

And then student elections will hit. Wish me luck.


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