Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A thought...

I had an idea last night as we discussed war and politics and espionage. I started with the idea that War is the extension of Politics, by other means. I then thought about terrorism, and came up with this concept:

If War is the extension of politics, then terrorism is the extension of Public Relations.

Think about it. When political work can't make something happen, you send in the army and make it so. When you can't get a large number of people to care aobut what you have to say, or that you exist, blow up a bus and then, wow, everyone wants to know about you. Therefore:

Politics is to War as P.R. is to Terrorism.

Then, think about journalism. Journalism, when escalated enough, becomes espionage. That gives us:

Politics: War
Journalism: Espionage
PR: Terrorism.

Discuss amongst yourselves.


Blogger GUYK said...

Thanks for coming by my place.

I was taught in Poly Sci years ago that war was the results of failed diplomacy..but then I also was taught
in the military that the definitionof diplomacy was the ability to tell someone to go to hell and make them look forward to the trip.

But in any event, I came to the conclusion many years ago that diplomacy has never settled a dispute..just prolonged going to war. When two or are cultures clash the weakest will of course be willing to compromise and the strongest can bargain from the position of strength..but during the process the weakest will use to the time to get stronger. Such is the course of human events..

9:53 AM  

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